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Raspberry Pi Electronics Projects for the Evil Genius

by Donald Norris

This latest Raspberry Pi® book includes some very interesting projects for both practical purposes and to develop your knowledge of the Raspberry Pi system. Each project is explained in detail, together with the necessary parts lists and program code to get the project up and running. Some of the theory and design practices are also covered to provide a good background for the projects. The book covers all of the Raspberry Pi versions, with programs mainly written in Python, with a few examples in C and Java also.

Projects include adding a touchscreen to your Pi for user interaction and also feedback, together with an example of using an Arduino board as a coprocessor to handle interfacing to a number of different sensors. Also build an RGB LED matrix screen, a Raspberry Pi supercomputer using eight Pi’s. A number of robot projects are also included from building a robotic car to a complex six Degrees-of-Freedom robotic arm, together with an interesting, software defined radio unit.

This book is ideal for the more experienced Raspberry Pi® user who wants to develop some interesting applications and to further expand their knowledge of the board.



  • Ideal for the Experienced Raspberry Pi User
  • Build a number of Interesting Projects with complete parts lists and code included
  • Projects include a RGB LED Matrix Screen, Arduino Board Coprocessor,
    Software Defined Radio
  • Robotice Projects include a Robotic Car and a number of Complex Robotic Arms
  • 280 Pages - Softcover

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