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Programming 16-bit Microcontrollers in C

by Lucio Di Jasio

Excellent new book will help you take your programming knowledge and embedded solutions to the next level. Utilize the power of the new range of 16-bit microcontrollers with the PIC24 Microchip microcontrollers. These chips offer a much more powerful solution with more speed and larger memories, ideal for the most advanced embedded applications. This book covers all the necessary topics for you to utilize these powerful microcontrollers, including sections on interrupts, communication, analogue inputs, file I/O, LCD's, mass storage and much more. With plenty of code examples and practical information, this book is an ideal learning tool to start with the 16-bit range of microcontrollers.



  • Covers all Necessary Topics for 16-bit Programming
  • Plenty of Code and Practical Examples included
  • Teaches how to control LCD's, Analogue Inputs, Mass Storage
  • CD Included with C Source code and free C30 Compiler
  • 379 Pages

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