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AT89C5131 USB Development Board

The AT89C5131 USB Development Board is ideal for developing USB Control Systems.
The board features the Atmel AT89C5131 microcontroller, a high performance Flash version of the 8051 8-bit microcontroller range,
with on-board USB compliant module for USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 Communications.
Programs can be downloaded easily using the USB port.
Data and commands can also be transferred whilst the program is running via the USB Port.
Great for external control and real time monitoring systems using high-speed USB transfers.
The board includes the AT89C5131 Atmel microcontroller with 32k of In-System Flash Memory, running at 24MHz, with
5 channel PCA, 16-bit PWM, Full Duplex UART, SPI Interface, Watchdog Timer and lots more.
All power supply components and main crystal are in place for the microcontroller, the unit is ready to run, with just an external 9-12Vdc power supply required.
Connectors are provided for USB, RS232, power and all I/O pins, via standard polarized connections and IDCC connectors.
Download software is included, together with code examples in assembly language, to get you up and running quickly.
This board is ideal to develop USB control and monitoring code for computer interface and control programs,
through the Windows or Linux operating systems.
Please note: Power supply is not included.
Atmel is a registered trademark of the Atmel Corporation.
- Includes Atmel AT89C5131 with 32kb internal Flash Program Memory
- USB 1.1 and 2.0 Compliant Module
- All I/O pins connected to headers for easy external connections.
- In-Circuit programming via USB Port
- 5 Channel PCA
- RS232 Communication with on-board MAX232 or equivalent
- Real Time Clock (DS1307 Option)
- External EEPROM (24LCXX Option)
- I²C Bus Expansion Port
- USB Power LED Indication
- Code Examples Provided
- Dramatically reduces program development time
- Easy to use Atmel Download Software as well as Sample Programs are included on the accompanying CD
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