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PIC18F458 Training Board

Our popular PIC18F458 Training Board features the PIC18F458 from Microchip, with 32kb on-chip Flash Memory, 1.6k Bytes of RAM and 256 Bytes of EEPROM. This new board
is loaded with features, including real time clock, EEPROM, LCD connector, RS232 Communication, RS422/RS485 Communication, speaker and heaps more. The PIC18F458 Training Board is
ideal to develop and test code quickly, using the in-circuit download software. Circuits are prewired and applications can be developed and running in minutes.
The board is ideal for a training tool in schools, technical colleges or universities.
Goto PIC18F458 Training Board
Also Available: PIC18F458 Controller Board
ATmega Training Board

The ATmega Training Board is an ideal way to get started with Atmel AVR microcontrollers, providing an excellent learning tool for code development and applications.
Code can be downloaded directly using the provided Windows in-circuit download software and computer cable. The board includes a number of supporting IC's, commonly in use in embedded systems.
Ancillary circuits provide a Real Time Clock, EEPROM, RS232 Communication for computer connection, LCD Connection, Buzzer/Speaker, I2C Bus and much more.
Great for most embedded applications and a learning tool for AVR programming.
Goto ATmega Training Board
Also Available: XMEGA Controller Board
T89C51 Training Board

Our T89C51 Training Board, features 32kb on-chip Flash Memory, 256 Bytes of RAM, 1k Byte of ERAM together with 2k Bytes of EEPROM. Included on the board is
a real-time clock, eeprom, RS232 Connection, LCD Connection, RS422/RS485 Support, Buzzer/Speaker, I2C bus and much more. The board is ideal for use in
schools, colleges and universities to teach and develop code for use in a 8051 programming environment.
Applications can be up and running quickly with the in-circuit download software.
Goto T89C51 Training Board
Also Available: AT89C51ED2 Controller Board
Output Test Board

Easily test various board ports with this pre-configured output LED test board. Each port is wired to a separate single LED.
Dropping resistors are included together with a standard IDCC connection cable.
Goto Output Test Board
Also Available: Huge Range of Interface Boards for AC, DC Loads and Relays