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Mini Boards

GPS Mini Board

GPS Mini Board

The GPS Mini Board is the perfect solution for adding GPS location information to your Arduino® board. This compact high-performance, easy to use GPS Mini Board, features the advanced Locosys GPS Module incorporating the latest SiRF CGEE Technology. The module provides fast acquisition times as well as positional information accurate to 2.5m. Ideal for adding tracking or positional information to your project or system. Goto GPS Mini Board


DS1307 Real-Time Clock Mini Board

DS1307 Real-Time Clock Mini Board

Our very popular DS1307 Real-Time Clock Mini Board, is a great way to add a Real Time Clock to your Arduino® board. Simply connect this board using the standard I²C bus, all the necessary parts are already included, with back-up battery fitted, as well as selectable pull-up resistors for the I²C bus. Easy to connect standard headers are provided for direct interfacing with an existing control system. Goto DS1307 Real-Time Clock Mini Board

arrowAlso Available: DS3232 Real Time Clock Mini Board


Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter Mini Board

Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter Mini Board

The new Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter Mini Board is designed for connecting between 3.3V and 5V systems. The board enables data to be sent between 2 different voltage systems in both directions. Ideal for connecting 3.3V ICs or equipment to a 5V embedded system. The board includes many features not available on similar boards, including an on-board 3.3V regulator for powering the 3.3V system. Connecting headers are already installed and the unit is able to convert a full 8 bits, enabling the unit to be used to convert a single port to a different voltage system. Goto Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter Mini Board

arrowAlso Available: MCP23017 I/O Expander Mini Board


Power Relay Mini Board

DS1307 Real-Time Clock Mini Board

Our heavy duty Power Relay Mini Board is the ideal solution for quickly adding high current switching relays to your Arduino® or Raspberry Pi board. The Power Relay Mini Board accepts standard TTL inputs from both 3.3V and 5V systems to switch power loads that are fully isolated. Goto Power Relay Mini Board

arrowAlso Available: Opto-Isolated Relay Mini Board


Variable Power Supply Mini Board

Variable Power Supply Mini Board

The new Variable Power Supply Mini Board is suitable for supplying a stable 3.3V or 5V to a microcontroller system or a variable power supply of between 1.23V to 32Vdc. The unit is capable of supplying up to 2A. The unit accepts a wide input voltage from 4.5V to 32Vdc and is ideal for converting from a 12V supply to standard 5V supply for a microcontroller board. Goto Variable Power Supply Mini Board

arrowAlso Available: 5V Dual Power Supply Mini Board