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Microchip Microcontrollers

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Futurlec stocks a huge range of Microchip PIC Microcontrollers at very competitive prices. Our range is expanding all the time, with new special function microcontrollers and the compact 8 pin PIC12 microcontrollers. Click on the links below to select the device from the particular PIC family required.


PIC32 Microcontroller Modules

PIC32 Microcontroller Modules

Now in Stock, Pre-Mounted and Assembled PIC32 Microcontroller Modules, no need for trying to solder and mount a 100 Pin TQFP PIC32 Microcontroller, this unit comes soldered and assembled, ready for mounting on your mainboard or prototyping board. Goto PIC32 Microcontroller Modules

arrowAlso Available: PIC32 Microcontrollers


Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers

Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers

We also carry a large range of PIC Microcontroller books for the beginner to the expert. With both theoretical and practical books available. The bestselling "Programming and Customizing PIC Microcontroller" is in stock, together with a number of specialized books on developing embedded systems and programming in C language. Goto PIC Microcontroller Books


PIC16F877 Controller

PIC16F877 Controller

Our bestselling PIC16F877 Controller is ideal for a wide range of applications. This powerful board includes the PIC16F877 Microcontroller with standard header connections for all the I/O ports, plus an RS232 Connection together with in-circuit program download, for easy updates and program modification. The PIC16F877 Controller is ideal for use as an embedded controller in security systems, irrigation systems, robots and much more. Goto PIC16F877 Controller

arrowAlso Available: PIC16F628, PIC18F458 and PIC32MX250 Controllers