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ICL7129 4+1/2 Digit LCD Display, A/D Converter
- ±19,999 Count A/D Converter Accurate to ±4 Count
- 10µV Resolution on 200mV Scale
- 110dB CMRR
- Direct LCD Display Drive
- True Differential Input and Reference
- Low Power Consumption
- Decimal Point Drive Outputs
- Overrange and Underrange Outputs
- Low Battery Detection and Indication
- 10:1 Range Change Input
Pin Layout
Pin Description
Pin Number | Description |
1 | OSC1 - Oscillator |
2 | OSC3 - Oscillator |
3 | ANN - Annuciator Drive |
4 | B1,C1,CONT - Output to Display Segments |
5 | A1,G1,D1 - Output to Display Segments |
6 | F1,E1,DP1 - Output to Display Segments |
7 | B2,C2,LO BATT - Output to Display Segments |
8 | A2,G2,D2 - Output to Display Segments |
9 | F2,E2,DP2 - Output to Display Segments |
10 | B3,C3,MINUS - Output to Display Segments |
11 | A3,G3,D3 - Output to Display Segments |
12 | F3,E3,DP3 - Output to Display Segments |
13 | B4,C4,BC5 - Output to Display Segments |
14 | A4,D4,G4 - Output to Display Segments |
15 | F4,E4,DP4 - Output to Display Segments |
16 | BP3 - Backplane 3 |
17 | BP2 - Backplane 2 |
18 | BP1 - Backplane 1 |
19 | Vdisp - Negative Rail for Display |
20 | DP4/OR - See Datasheet |
21 | DP3/UR - See Datasheet |
22 | LATCH/HOLD - See Datasheet |
23 | V- - Negative Supply |
24 | V+ - Positive Supply |
25 | INT IN - Integrator Input |
26 | INT OUT - Integrator Output |
27 | CON - Continuity |
28 | COMMON - Common Mode Voltage |
29 | Cref+ - Reference Capacitor |
30 | Cref- - Reference Capacitor |
31 | BUFFER - Buffer |
32 | IN LO - Negative Input |
33 | IN HI - Positive Input |
34 | REF HI - Reference High |
35 | REF LO - Reference Low |
36 | DGND - Digital Ground Reference |
37 | RANGE - Range Setting |
38 | DP2 - Decimal Point 2 |
39 | DP1 - Decimal Point 1 |
40 | OSC2 - Oscillator |
Dimensional Drawing
Technical Data