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ATmega8 Educational Board

ATmega8 Educational Board

ATmega8 Educational Board

ATmega8 Educational Board

Our ATMega8 Educational Board is an ideal way to learn to build ATmega8 applications. This board is based around the exciting new Atmel ATmega8 microcontroller, which is a compact high performance microcontroller, loaded with features. Quickly learn how to program LEDs, use pushbuttons for input, display characters on an LCD, use the A/D Convertor, all these features are ready to run on the board, with all the necessary support components included for the microcontroller.

Included on the board is 8 pre-wired LEDs for quick testing, a series of pushbuttons, facility for a real-time clock and EEPROM, LCD Socket and heaps more. All port pins are wired to easy to connect 10 pin headers. Programs can be easily downloaded directly onto the board, using our included parallel port connector and easy to use download software.

This board is also ideal to develop and test your applications, as well as being the base for a more complex project with a large development area available which can be used for a wide range of additional components. This cost effective solution is ideal for developing embedded controllers for water control systems, home control, industrial control, mini robots and much more.

Our ATmega8 Educational board is ideal for use in school’s, colleges or universities, as a teaching and practical program development board. The board is also ideal for home use, to quickly learn and test many different circuits and applications.

Please note: Power supply is not included.

Atmel and ATmega are all registered trademarks of the Atmel Corporation.



  • Includes ATmega8 with 8kb internal Flash Program Memory
  • All necessary power supply components and crystal(4.000MHz) already installed.
  • All I/O pins connected to headers for easy external connections.
  • In-circuit programming via parallel port (no separate loader required)
  • RS232 Communication with on-board MAX232 or equivalent
  • Test LED's for program indication and testing
  • Prewired facility for Real Time Clock and EEPROM
  • LCD Connection and Contrast Adjustment Included
  • LED's and Pushbuttons Included
  • Includes Breadboard
  • Ideal for Educational Institutes and Hobbyists

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